Stretch Out, Stay Fit
It is important to commit to a sufficient warmup and cool down in order to prepare yourself for your exercise routine and avoid time spent nursing an injury that can result in backsliding. If you do not spend the time doing the warmup exercises, your muscles are not prepared when you start the workout, and you will find this out the hard way through a painful and time-consuming injury. Include Warmup Routines that Get the Blood Flowing Even for those who use walking as their daily exercise, it is important to include exercises like toe circles and arm circles. These exercises get the blood pumping and also stretches out the muscles so they are prepared for the additional effort they will be putting forth in the near future. Research Good Exercises for the Routine You have Planned If you are unsure what exercises are necessary for the workout you will be doing, get online and do some research. There are countless exercise magazines and websites that regularly share information on the r...