How Long Until I See Training Results?

One of the first questions people ask when starting a new training regimen, diet, or wellness program is how long it will take for the results to begin showing. However, the question is not always easy to answer. Every individual is different, so you may see your results sooner or later than someone else. In general, results from a training regimen will be noticeable in about two weeks. Often, the first noticeable improvements involve better posture and muscle gain. It’s important to remember, though, that this is a theoretical generalization that does not apply to everyone. Many factors impact your workout as well as your results, so there is a lot of wiggle room when it comes to how long you’ll have to wait to see a change in your body. How to Speed Up Results Even though you want to see changes as soon as possible, any Chappaqua personal trainer will warn you of the dangers of weight loss that is too rapid. Many people decide to cut calories to speed up their resu...