Finding Yoga Queens NYC

I am actually someone who used yoga to lose over 50 pounds of fat. After having 2 kids, I was 50 pounds heavier than I wanted to be and I hated myself. Yes! While I loved every aspect of being a new mommy and all the amazing things that I've experienced as a mother, having my kids destroyed my health. I developed diabetes, hypertension and of course I was fat.

Even with my husbands encouragement that I looked fine and that he loved me, I knew that he wanted a thin wife. I use to get so jealous every time he would notice an attracted woman that it caused a problem. My biggest fear is that he would cheat on. In all honesty, my husband isn't the cheating type and he was supportive and caring. It was my attitude towards having gained weight that caused so many issues.

Like many people I've tried EVERY weight loss pill, every diet, every fitness gadget and I had failed at losing weight more times than I have strands of hair. I was a weight loss failure, a loser and melting adipose tissue from my body. Taking Yoga Queens NYC  is what really changed things for me. With yoga, things felt more holistic and spiritual. Instead of hating my body and hating how being fat made me feel, I learned to want to lose weight because it is healthy for my body.

I was someone who had tried walking the fat off, jogging, cycling and even a 'playhouse' class with my kids. Nothing worked but yoga. I think yoga worked for me because my instructor for yoga Queens NYC didn't shy away from the spiritual aspects of yoga. He didn't teach religion but he did talk a lot of spiritual concepts.

Ultimately, I think yoga was like therapy for me. It pushed me in ways that weren't so overwhelming that I was fearful of trying it again like jogging had did. Another thing I enjoyed about yoga was that it was inside. For someone who is ashamed of their body they don't want to be seen exercising outside where anyone could see. The women and men in my class were also very supportive and we talked a lot about diet and how your attitude towards dieting and exercise will shape your experience. I didn't know it at the time but this is a core tenant of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, hey I did say that yoga Queens NYC was like therapy for me.

I suggest yoga to anyone who wants to lose weight or who just wants to stay healthy. It has helped me so much in my life. It helped me accept myself even when I didn't like what I saw in the mirror. It gave me a manageable way to get exercise that was enjoyable and that pushed me. As mentioned earlier it was very much like therapy and I was able to workout my body issues. My life and marriage are exactly how it should be.


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