Three Basics My Queens Personal Trainer Told Me

Success in anything means managing the basics first. Too many people want to get granular about things before they prove, to themselves, that they understand and are capable of handling the broader picture. This is the same with diet and exercise. There is a lot of information out there the multi-billion dollar health and fitness industry wants to deem necessary to achieving. Yet, before I chose one method over another, my personal trainer Queens suggested I master some basic principles first. Learn to eat for fuel, not for pleasure. Food is meant to be nourishment for your body and mind. There are no secrets here. If you feed your body the clean, nutritious food it needs, the body machine performs better. Similar to a high performance car that gets regular unleaded instead of super. The engine knocks and pings and doesn't perform at the high level it was designed to run at. Fruits and vegetable, lean meats and fish, whole grains, and healthy fats are what you wa...