
Showing posts from October, 2016

Personal Training for Your Upcoming Athletic Event

  Setting a goal to accomplish a specific athletic activity during your lifetime is a great item to add to your bucket list. However, there are multiple differences between simply creating a workout routine and starting the process of preparing for a significant event, like a competition or a marathon. Individuals who wish to compete against those who have been in a program for years will need a very structured and ambitious workout program in order to reach the level where they can reasonably expect to be successful in a competition. This means finding someone that understands the program needed and the effort required to stay on track to reach the goal. Being successful in a competition or another athletic event means more than simply reaching a desired weight loss goal or maintaining an exercise routine that helps you have better quality of life. A personal trainer for amateur bodybuilding competition can make sure you are doing the proper routine and also ...

Personal Training for Marathon Running

After losing a vast amount of weight and changing their lifestyles, some people want to celebrate their achievement by running triathlons or marathons. However, training for a long distance race is an arduous process, one many people cannot do alone no matter how motivated they may seem. Fortunately, personal trainers are experts in motivation and helping people train for athletic events, including marathons. A personal trainer New York can help clients train for marathons in several ways. Whether they are new to the sport or experienced runners, he or she can assess their abilities and set up a training schedule for the runner. Training should start several months in advance so the runner gradually builds up to the 26.2 miles they will need to run on race day. Doing too much too fast can lead to injuries and burnout as the client may feel as if they can’t complete their goal if they do more than they can handle right away. While running will be the main activity on a client...

Why Personal Trainers in New York Cost More

If you’re new to New York, you may notice everything is more expensive, even personal trainers. When you’re looking for a trainer to help you meet your fitness goals, you will find a wide range of costs. Depending on their experience and the services they offer, some personal trainers can charge up to $300 per session. Personal trainers who work for themselves tend to be more expensive because there isn’t a gym paying them, so they have to charge more per session so they can make a living. In addition, if they own their own gym, then they also have to pay rent, which can be extremely expensive depending on where it is located. A personal trainer in Manhattan is likely to be much more expensive than one in the Bronx. The location of the personal trainer New York will also help establish how much they charge. In some areas of the city, such as the Upper East Side or near Wall Street, their clientele may make more money, so trainers, just as everyone else, will charge more ...

Finding a Personal Training Gym for My Older Clients

If your clientele includes older adults, then you will want to find a gym where they will feel comfortable working out. Not everyone wants to share a gym with lots of young, slim bodies or grunting bodybuilders slinging weights. If you need to find a gym for your older clients, here are some features you should look for. Older adults want a place where they can work out and socialize afterwards so they can ask their personal trainer Midtown West questions or get feedback. If you teach a class as well, they want an area to sit down, relax so they have a chance to get to know some of the other people in their class. Most older folks also want a gym that caters specifically to them so they are comfortable going there. If the gym plays music in the background, it should be played at a lower volume because blaring music doesn’t impress older clients. They want to be able to hear you when you’re training them or be able to talk to others without shouting. The music should ...