Personal Training for Marathon Running

After losing a vast amount of weight and changing their lifestyles, some people want to celebrate their achievement by running triathlons or marathons. However, training for a long distance race is an arduous process, one many people cannot do alone no matter how motivated they may seem. Fortunately, personal trainers are experts in motivation and helping people train for athletic events, including marathons.

A personal trainer New York can help clients train for marathons in several ways. Whether they are new to the sport or experienced runners, he or she can assess their abilities and set up a training schedule for the runner. Training should start several months in advance so the runner gradually builds up to the 26.2 miles they will need to run on race day. Doing too much too fast can lead to injuries and burnout as the client may feel as if they can’t complete their goal if they do more than they can handle right away.

While running will be the main activity on a client’s schedule, personal training for marathon Manhattan may also include cycling, strength training, swimming or other forms of flexibility training to ensure the runner’s fitness. The trainer can also help their client with nutritional advice about staying hydrated during a long run and fueling their bodies before and during the race so they have the energy to push through the race when they want to give up and quit.

The personal trainer will also help keep their client motivated by checking in on days they don’t see them and working out with them. There may be times when the client wants to give up, especially if they are new to long distance running, but the trainer can provide the motivation their client needs to continue training and meet their goal of running a marathon.


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