Improve Posture Through Pilates

Have you ever watched the red carpet thing before an awards show? All the beautiful people in their lovely clothes? They have one thing in common. They might have deplorable dress sense, which is scary because someone is being paid to dress them, they might have no realization of what makes shoes a dream, but what they do have, men and women alike, is spectacular posture. If you want to look somewhere between 5 and 10 pounds lighter immediately, stand up straight. If you don't believe it, stand in front of a full-length mirror, drop your shoulders and straighten you spine. You just grew two inches and your 'friend' in the middle there - bought and paid for - just took a small backward step. Learning to stand up straight, especially if you haven't since puberty is shockingly hard. Pilates Bronx is a great way of starting out. By the way, the takeaway from here is that posture is essential. People who slouch around are already seen as apologizing for thems...