Yoga for a Strong Core, Clear Mind

More and more people are getting into the practice of yoga for various reasons, whether it’s to improve flexibility or to slow the aging process. Exercise is important to having a healthy body along with a healthy mind, but doing yoga is a less vigorous way to improve the health of the brain and have a sound mind along with a strong core and muscles.

Often, individuals that are new to the practice of yoga are surprised by just how much the mind and body are connected. However, this is a clear connection to those that have practicing yoga for years. Because the practice is centered around breathing and moving into various poses, called postures, practitioners practice mindfulness and gain mental clarity with regular sessions.

Tree Pose

Tree pose is a move that beginners can do at the very start of their yoga practice, though you can work with a Chelsea yoga instructor if you are unsure of where to begin on your own or if you’d like someone to help guide your practice. This posture improves balance and works the core while not being too challenging. To get into tree pose, stand with one foot on the floor and the other resting inside of the thigh of the standing leg.

Plank Pose

One of the most popular postures used by Bronx yoga professionals is plank pose. You may have heard of the plank being used in many different exercise programs and routines, but the move originally came from the practice of yoga. This simple move is also challenging, using the core muscles to hold the body up. The move is done by getting into position as if you were going to do a push-up, keeping the elbows against your sides and pulling the stomach in.

Crescent Pose

Crescent pose is another standing pose that works the core muscles while improving balance in the body. This posture can be incorporated into your yoga practice if you want to work the lower body as well, as the leg muscles are worked along with the core and upper body. To achieve this posture, step into a comfortable lunge and bring the hands above the head, pressing the palms together and arching the back.

These are just a few of the postures you can use to get a stronger core while practicing mindfulness during yoga. They can be done at home, in the gym, in a yoga class, or with a personal trainer – whatever your preference.


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