Beat Quarantine Weight Gain
Staying at home can seem like the perfect time to take a break from your normal routine and stay in bed longer or sit on the couch watching movies and TV shows more often. Your junk food intake could also increase, which will inevitably lead to weight gain. You don’t have to sit around and gain weight while you’re practicing social distancing and staying home during quarantine. It’s still possible to beat the quarantine pounds and get in shape while you stay safe thanks to personal trainers, who provide training sessions so you don’t have to go to the gym or miss out on workouts. You can find NY personal trainers online who can help you reach your fitness goals and keep those extra pounds at bay. While you’re looking for a trainer, let’s look at some tips to stifle unwanted quarantine weight gain. Make a Meal Schedule Scheduling your meals can seem like a lot of work, but you can start small and simple until you’ve gotten into the habit of planning out what you’re going to ...