
Showing posts from October, 2013

A Manhattan Nutritionist Knows Where to Trim the Fat

Many New Yorkers face a typical lunchtime conundrum. With busy workday, they often work through the lunch hour and make bad food choices. The result over time is more hours sitting and more calories with each bad food choices. Those who try to take control of the situation find themselves eventually in the office of a Manhattan nutritionist . Before doing that, here are three simple tips to keep handy when you take out your wallet for lunch. Use spices instead of sauces. Everyone wants a little flavor and it isn't unusual to ask for a little sauce, or gravy, or maybe even some syrup. However, it is easy to spice up a very simple dish with some paprika or pepper, or anything else that is on your spice rack. And that is important. Spices can last a long time on the shelf. Buy a few of the more popular to have around when in need. You will be glad you have them to reach for instead of just reaching for a ladle of gravy. Use olive and vinegar instead of creamy dr...

A Few Successful Staten Island Personal Trainer Clients Are Good For Business

Appreciate Differences. There are many niches and subsets of knowledge. You can’t master it all. Be a master at one thing and develop your market. If you focus on a subset, for instance, senior fitness, a few happy seniors will sing your praises at an evening of bingo or a morning swim with their friends. They are great, too, because, they can take many of those hard to fill off peak training session times. Understand when your client is coming from a different background and culture than you. Take the time to educate them about why your program works. If you understand them, they will relate to your advice more positively. Frame your clients to look for victories in their day-to-day life. This is about engagement. You want your personal training clients to feel accountable to themselves and you. If you work with many different clients, it is easy to make a general goal of 5,000 steps a day. However, tell a senior citizen and it sounds like a mountain. In Staten Islan...

Why Women Should Hire a Personal Trainer Staten Island

Although many women want to lose weight, they are reluctant to hire personal trainers. This is because they believe that these professionals only work for celebrities and body builders. The reality is that a personal trainer Staten Island can help an everyday woman lose weight and get in shape. First, it is important to know what a personal trainer is before you can go out and look for one. When a woman goes to the gym, she has two options. She can either create her own workout program or hire a personal trainer. As the majority of consumers do not know much about weight loss, safety while exercising and strength training, it is better to hire a professional. A personal trainer will start off by asking what the client hopes to achieve from their workouts. Those who want to lose weight will be asked to set themselves a time limit to achieve their goals. The fitness trainer will then set up a program which incorporates both cardiovascular activity and weight training. Once...

Try Yoga Queens for Weight Loss

Yoga is an ancient science that has been around for centuries. Many believe that the benefits are purely spiritual and nothing more. They know that by combining the spirit and the body together using yoga techniques they will achieve a higher spiritual condition. However, is that the only benefit that Yoga Queens has to offer? Weight loss is a war that can only be won by winning one battle at a time. There are so many people out there that want to lose weight but never seem to do so. They will use many types of pills, they will try different exercises and anything else that seems popular. They try it all but the pounds do not want to leave. Does that mean that there is no chance of losing weight for those thousands of people who want to lose those few extra pounds? In today's society we see that many are suffering from an epidemic of being overweight. This condition can lead to many health complications, especially as one gets older. To combat this overweight society ...

Tips On Finding the Personal Trainer Queens

Going it alone when trying to lose weight can be a daunting task. Weight loss is a big business, and there are no lack of snake oil salesmen and "experts" offering to sell you the quick fix to your problem. However, losing weight is very hard work, and if you do not know the exact way to tackle the problem the task can be Herculean.  For that reason, people serious about meeting their weight loss goals in the Big Apple should consider hiring the  personal trainer Queens available. When you are looking for a top personal trainer in New York City, you are going to want to start with looking at their personal credentials.  There are many different certifications available in the health and fitness industry. These certifications ensure that the person has a good amount of knowledge on the science of losing weight. You are going to want to find someone who is certified by a relevant nutritional organization and fitness organization.  It is also good if the...

The Best Personal Trainer NYC May Not Be Best For You

Sure, who wouldn't want to have Jillian Michaels as their trainer? Probably few people interested in getting fit would complain. Personal trainers are big with celebrities and she meets both categories, trainer and celebrity. However, being a top trainer does not make one the best for everyone. Personal training is not a one size fits all product. In New York City there are hundreds if not thousands of fitness trainers ranging in skills, experience, and niche. While many are considered the best personal trainer NYC in their field, they may not fit for you. First, as mentioned above, it is important make sure the trainer meets your needs. For instance, if you have past injuries and need a trainer who is mindful and knowledgeable on what exercises you can and should perform, you will want to look for a corrective exercise specialist, not a trainer who specializes in preparing clients for competitive figure events. While most people are interested in general over...

Manhattan Personal Trainers Know Cheap, Healthy Street Eats

There are more food trucks and street vendors on New York City streets these days than ever before. From gyros to waffles, it is easy to make a nutritional error. More recently you will find an uptick in the number of trucks offering vegetable juices and smoothies. However, ask any of the hundreds of Manhattan personal trainers and they will tell you the healthiest and least expensive options lie with the old standby. The fruit and vegetable vendor. Many a New York City street corner has them and whether you need a quick healthy snack or vegetables for dinner, you will find they will fulfill your craving. Here are three quick snacks your personal trainer might suggest shortly before a session. The banana might very well be the best thirty five cents you can spend in New York City. They are made up of mostly sugar and fiber, so you will get a bit of an energy boost, but not so fast with the fast come down shortly thereafter. The potassium in bananas is great for ...

Find Pilates Staten Island NYC Today!

Have you noticed how boring working out can be? Well, every Pilates instructor certainly has! They are just as fed up with it as you are and that's what helps make their class so engaging! They know how to motivate every single student in their class! This will help you stay on track until your body goals are reached. Worried about the price? Well if you have a gym membership some of them offer Pilates classes at no extra price. All you have to do is find when they are scheduled and show up. You will be surprised how engaging it is.    So if you are looking for Staten Island Personal Trainer , just remember to always go with friends! When you make this a traditional group outing you are sure to all want to stick to it! It will be a great way for you to socialize with your friends while staying in shape.    Are you wondering what Pilates even is? It is an amazing exercise that will stretch your muscles while toning them and making them strong. It al...