A Manhattan Nutritionist Knows Where to Trim the Fat
New Yorkers face a typical lunchtime conundrum. With busy workday,
they often work through the lunch hour and make bad food choices.
The result over time is more hours sitting and more calories with
each bad food choices. Those who try to take control of the
situation find themselves eventually in the office of a Manhattan
nutritionist. Before doing that, here are three simple tips to
keep handy when you take out your wallet for lunch.
spices instead of sauces. Everyone wants a little flavor and it
isn't unusual to ask for a little sauce, or gravy, or maybe even some
syrup. However, it is easy to spice up a very simple dish with some
paprika or pepper, or anything else that is on your spice rack. And
that is important. Spices can last a long time on the shelf. Buy a
few of the more popular to have around when in need. You will be
glad you have them to reach for instead of just reaching for a ladle
of gravy.
olive and vinegar instead of creamy dressing. Creamy dressings mean
extra saturated fat and extra calories. At the same time it is very
easy to ruin the good intentions of a salad by heaping on the
dressing. Instead, reach for some olive oil and balsamic vinegar or
something with those as a base ingredient. Olive oil, while it does
pack some caloric punch, is filled with mono unsaturated, or heart
healthy, fats. Your Manhattan
will be glad to know you drizzled that over your salad.
you eat meat, choose leaner, higher quality cuts of beef or chicken.
Lean means less saturated fats. Again a heart healthy principle.
The less marbleized your steak cut is, the lower the fat content.
This may take away from the flavor a bit, but that is what those
spices are for. With the help of a Manhattan nutritionist,
find the happy medium of how lean you can go and still enjoy your
steak. Of course, fish and chicken can prove to be better options
when cooked properly.
more information visit : Neighborhoodtrainer.com
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