How Can I Strengthen My Lower Back
The lower back is key to a lot of regular activity. However, for those who sit at a desk the majority of the day, the lower back tends to take the most abuse. People who stare at a computer and fail to have good posture require effort to bring their lower back to better health. Below are some exercises to strengthen the lower back, which is helpful when it is abused on a daily basis. Deficit Deadlift In order to be most effective, this exercise needs to be completed while standing on a platform between one and five inches in height. Keep feet shoulder width apart and hold the bar with hands at shoulder length apart, lower hips and bend knees until the shins make contact with the bar. Drive through the heels in order to lift the bar. Once the bar is lifted above the knees, pull the shoulder blades toward one another while throwing the hips forward toward the bar. Hyperextensions These are also helpful in strengthening the lower back. Start by lying face down on a...