Functional Training Exercises Personal Trainers Recommend for Forearms

Start with Stretching

Arm swings can be helpful when you are preparing muscles for a strenuous workout. With the back straight and the abs pulled toward the spine, hold arms straight out to either side. Swing them so they cross in front of your body, and then swing them back out to the sides. Slowly make the swings larger so you are feeling a difference. Repeat this 20 times.

Move Your Body

The Inchworm is another exercise that strengthens the arms. It also helps prepare for pullups, which strengthens arm and chest muscles. Begin in a standing position with feet hip width apart. Lean forward and rest hands on the mat, with knees slightly bent. Walk hands out away from your feet, one foot at a time, until you reach the full plank position. Hold for one second, then walk back toward feet. Return to a standing position. Rest for 10 seconds, then repeat five times.

Wide Pushups Can Help

Balance on toes with arms slightly wider than shoulders and in line with the chest. Make sure to pull the belly button toward the spine to engage the abs. Lower yourself into a pushup, making sure the arms at 90 degrees at the end of the pushup. Return to start and repeat five to 10 times.

Dead Hangs May Be Beneficial

Hold onto a bar with hands facing away from you. Hang, maintaining tension in the upper body, back and core. Hold for 30 seconds, or for as long as you can with a minimum of 10 seconds. This helps awaken muscles for pullups.

A NY Personal Trainer can help you work these exercises and others into your regular routine. You can determine which ones seem most efficient and which are not really providing much benefit when you work them into a regular set of exercises.

There are other options that might help strengthen your forearms. If you join a Brooklyn Pilates, you may be surprised by the wealth of benefits you will enjoy if you apply yourself and attend a few classes in a consistent manner.


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